What is Vinely Magazine

Vinely Magazine (formerly Vine.ly) is SommTable’s video magazine dedicated to creating a space to feature distillers, winemakers, innovative artist, musicians, writers, and anyone else with a strong curiosity and passion for all things ON and AROUND the table.
We celebrate the new. We appreciate the steps that brought us here, but keep moving forward. We celebrate music, wine and spirits – and the places where they intersect. Music, wine, spirits – they are inseparable. Where one goes, the others follow, dancing to the same tune that calls us all.
Just try to imagine an era where you didn’t know where things came from, whom or how they were made. Imagine a world without culture of discovery. If you can’t – we’re calling you.
We are creating a community. A real community. One that only comes from true individuality – a group of single, defined pieces giving form to the movement as a whole. And no matter who we are, we are travelers. Physical and digital nomads in the ever expanding universe. We are carving and connecting our culture, we are both creator and creation, we empower the same community that empowers us. We see the direct impact our actions have on our world and strive to take the best road forward.
This is what Vinely Magazine is all about. If you are with us, we have one common goal: to stay authentic – and feel good doing so. And to feel good, you have to do good. One can’t live without the other. So we reach our goals by reaching out, by raising each other up. We share stories, journeys, hardships, and triumphs. We shine in our joys and excitements. We own up to our pains and failures. We greet the duality of life with open arms. In a world of pretense and inhibition, we dare to be honest and vulnerable, to embody our own reality, tear through layers of social niceties, rip the masks from our faces and stand – raw and real in front of the world.
And we are rewarded, knowing we are not alone. That if only for a moment in time, if only for this moment, we are seen for who we truly are. This is the next step forward. Will you take it with us?
Somtable invites you to follow our global community. We refer to members of our community as Somms, and you can be a Somm too. There are only two important requirements to becoming a Somm – passion for your craft and a love for creating memorable experiences.